Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Over A Dozen Adventures & Mysteries That'll Be Great For Christmas Giving For Kids 8 - 13

Over A Dozen Adventures & Mysteries That'll Be Great For Christmas Giving 
for Kids 8 - 13 and written from a Christian point of view.
Do you sometimes have trouble encouraging your children, especially your boys, to read books? Here’s something that might help.
That's because I grew up hating to read and chose a career in dramatic film production along with TV commercials and video programs. This helps me bring that same humor, action, adventure, and mystery to the middle grade books I write. Kids say reading one is like being in an exciting movie. There are two series of 6 books each, and also other standalone titles.

So get them to put down their electronic devices and try out one of these books. I believe you'll see a difference over Christmas break and beyond.

Amazon Link  https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=max+elliot+anderson